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Samsung Galaxy S7 vs Galaxy S7 Edge comparison

Samsung Galaxy S7 vs Galaxy S7 Edge comparison: Design

Both the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge make use of an aluminum body with a protective coating of Gorilla Glass 4 slapped on the front and rear. These handsets feature the same sensors and buttons, and both are water resistant and support microSD cards, but there are two significant differences in design: the dimensions and the display.
The Galaxy S7 Edge is taller and wider at 150.9 x 72.6 x 7.7 mm and has a 5.5-inch curved display. The Galaxy S7, meanwhile, houses a 5.1-inch flat display and measures 150.9 x 72.6 x 7.7 mm.

Samsung Galaxy S7 vs Galaxy S7 Edge comparison: Display

Both the Samsung Galaxy S7 and Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge have QHD (2,560 x 1,960 pixels) Super AMOLED displays with pixel density being greatest, naturally, on the smaller Galaxy S7. But the differences in fidelity are slight.
The disparity in saturation and brightness between the two handsets is also small, but can be seen in a side-by-side comparison. The S7 has marginally more saturated colors, while the S7 Edge is slightly brighter. Truthfully, it’s barely noticeable with flat color – in video, even less so.

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